IGNITE 2023 Group Picture

By God’s grace, we had a wonderful IGNITE 2023, the 3rd All India Camp for Church of Christ youths in India. We had close to 100 participants from all over India and some from outside India as well. The camp was conducted under the oversight of Bangalore Central Church of Christ.

The theme of the camp was ‘Be the Light’ based on Jesus’ life (“I am the Light of the world”) and our response to Jesus’ teachings (“You are the light of the world”).

The following is the feedback from one of the participants which gives a very good summary of IGNITE 2023:

“I am one of the fellow campers of Ignite 2023. I belong to the Team Headlights. I would like to thank God as I was able to participate in the Ignite through you. I would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to you and to the members of the Ignite 2023 for organising this camp. This was my first experience in Ignite and I loved to be a part of it.

It was a wonderful opportunity for me to learn the word of God. Indeed, the quiz based on the book of Matthew enhanced my knowledge of Christ as the light of the world. I gained an understanding of the importance of teamwork through the fun-filled games and activities conducted during the camp. I acquired knowledge of the leadership skills necessary in life. I enjoyed the creative ways of learning the word of God through discussion and activities. The two days activity of “Jesus as the light of the world” and “we as the light of the world” increased my spiritual knowledge of the word of God. The life sessions were vital to budding youngsters like me as those sessions provided the right guidance in relation to the word of God.

It was also a golden opportunity for me to meet the brethren in Christ around the world and discuss the word of God together with the same belief. It was beneficial in building spiritual network across India as well. I appreciate your well organised agenda and the amenities provided were structured as we had good support. I thoroughly enjoyed the food facilities provided to me. I would like to thank brother Ringdai for organising the Barbeque night as it was one of my favorite moments in the camp. I would also like to thank the other organisers for entertaining and guiding us with their full support. Thank you all for the wonderful hospitality.

If the Lord wills, I am looking forward to participate in the upcoming Ignite 2024 to meet you all in person and learn the word of God. Until then let the light shine and glory to be God, the Father in Heaven.”

Here is the link to the photos :  IGNITE 2023 Photos
Here is the link to the video :  IGNITE 2023 Video